We talked in part one of this blog about how Deep Skip differs from basic Skip Tracing and when it makes sense for agents to use these resources. Beyond the investigative and surveillance tactics involved in Deep Skip, some cases may escalate to additional Deep Skip tools including replevins and bonds.
Replevins are court orders to seize a vehicle. Law enforcement typically doesn’t get involved with vehicle repossessions as they’re viewed as civil issues. However, if a skiptracer can confirm an address of the collateral a replevin can be obtained by the lender. A replevin can be an effective tactic for recovering a vehicle.
Bonds also involve the courts but come into play when a vehicle has been left at a body shop or other location. Shops tend to falsify or deprive lenders of their property by overstating the repairs and/or storage on a vehicle. Lenders can work through an attorney to secure a bond, which allows him or her to take possession of the vehicle and the shop would have to go to court to prove the validity of the repairs.
DRN and MVTRAC have deep expertise, resources and contacts across the industry that make us the experts in Skip Tracing and Deep Skip. Contact us to talk about how all of this can help you find your most elusive assets.